Thursday 25 August 2011

A Drizzly Day 11

          Quite a bit has happened since I wrote last. Noteworthy things like going to see the snow at Falls Creek (no skiing this time, but it looks like a lot of fun), drinking heavily with Geoff and the Mt Beauty locals (I'll replace the scotch next time I'm up there, I promise), then heading off from the comfort of Geoff's house to make it to the muster in Gympie, Queensland within three days or so.
          The first night away from Beauty we slept just off the road in the Snowy Mountains. We set the awning up on Blue (it took a while to convince him that he didn't look fat), made a fire, cracked a bottle of warm white and sat out under the stars watching Black Books on my tablet. We were thinking of doing the same the next night, but after a few more hours of driving we started craving a warm shower.
          As it was getting dark we were on the outskirts of the Blue Mountains. Almost every seasoned traveller that we've bumped into has said not to drive after dusk because that's when all of the animals think it's a good idea to run in front of your car, so when a sign for the Wombayan Caves Caravan Park came up we decided to stop. Jess was hoping for a clan of Wombat-Druids running the place but no such luck.
          We then were aiming to make it to the Queensland border by the next night. All of my loo, food and coffee breaks made that impossible though so we crashed in a town called Coonabarabran. Our little butane cookers came in handy as we sat on our motel room floor making a curry and watching trash TV. We needed the energy too because the next day we were determined to make it to Brisbane seven hundred kilometers away.
          I don't know what it is about travel, but for sitting on your arse all day it can really take it out of you. A full day of driving later we were pulling into Brissy- stressed, exhausted and hungry, but there none the less. Jess, the super-woman still managed to cook up dinner with her aunty Ruth as I helped by making sure the tv hadn't broken and that no-one had tampered with the couch.
          That was last night. Right now I'm lying down with Blue at the muster writing this. After we set up our camp I finally have a bit of time for some writing. Jess is drinking beer with her family (immediate and extended) and soon we'll be watching a whole bunch of live music and drinking bottles of... whatever's around and not stopping for the next few days. If I make it out the other side I'll write again. Have a goodun

I'm definitely going for a ski next time we're at the snow!

I was imagining that our fire was a dragon's egg.

This was every walkway at the muster.

Boy And Bear being amazing.

Our fellow camp members (the camp was called Diss'll Doo) at John Williamson. 

Attempting to dry my feet by the fire before going to sleep.

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